Glamping or Camping

Yurt for Camping

Glamping is a portmanteau of glamour and camping and describes a style of camping with amenities and, in some cases, resort-style services not usually associated with “traditional” camping. Wikipedia

Yurts are portable and compact, so they may be placed in rustic settings. Moreover, yurts’ round walls minimize surface area, reducing heating and cooling needs for an eco-friendly getaway. Yurts are also more earth-friendly to construct than hotel rooms; because they’re built on simple raised platforms, which have little impact on the surrounding earth.

Sometimes known as a form of “glamping,” or “glamorous camping,” yurt camping can range from a bare and basic plywood structure with dome roof to fully furnished units. Glamping yurts might have queen-sized beds, cozy comforters, relaxing couches, stylish tables and lamps, closets, even porcelain sinks with hot water, polished wood floors, heat and electricity. The more upscale models are frequently set up on raised decks, and may be outfitted with a barbecue pit, picnic table, and a food storage safety locker in regions where wildlife may present a hazard.

Today’s yurts are also well insulated, so they’ll keep you and your family surprisingly snug when it’s nippy outside. And with some models sporting large windows, even skylights, summertime is great as well.  You can see in our pictures we added tarp inside our yurt for more insulation. (view in slideshow)

How long to set up a yurt?  Camping yurts are portable takes 30 minutes to 3 hours to install. More a permanent yurt will take longer with glass windows, steel door, and semi-permanent floor. 

The lattice is 7′ 2″ tall allowing height for a house size door be installed. Ceiling is high pitch allowing stand up height.  Room available for sleeping loft. If a wood burning stove is desired, it should exit out the side so there no interference with the skylight.

So give it a try the next time you hit the road to go camping. After all, it couldn’t “yurt.”